LinkedIn Poll Playbook

Engagement strategies can generate leads when successfully set up to create opportunities beyond a post. 

In this brilliant example of using a LinkedIn Poll, generate exposure to new profiles that engage with the poll. They become direct candidates for potential leads that can be transitioned into offering customer development interviews / discovery calls.  
1. Establish a polling topic. Pick a situation that is relevant as a pain point of your ideal client. Create a question that is compelling and requires a variation of possible answers. Avoid simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions.
2.  Connect with each profile that voted. Once the poll closes, if they are not currently in your network make a connection request. Create a simple message thanking them for voting on your poll. 
Within the message ask if they can answer a question for you. 
Make an inquiry if there is someone, they know in their network who could answer a few questions about a new program / offer you are developing. This person would hold the title of your ideal candidate for your customer development interview.  
Sample message:
Hi {First Name}, thank you for voting on my recent poll. I would love to connect. 
Would you mind me asking a professional question? I am looking to speak with someone who is (insert title), would you know of a person in your network who fits this role? 
I’ve recently started researching some new changes to a challenge often experienced by people in this role {pain point being solved / offer} I would really appreciate it if I could get feedback on this new approach. 
{Your name}
3. Contact the referred to person. Capture the name(s) provided and follow up with the individual(s)  with these new referrals. In the message cite this person who gave you their name: 
Hi {First Name}, I am reaching out as (insert new contact’s name) gave me your name as someone who could help me. They thought you might be the best person.
I’ve recently started researching some new changes to a challenge often experienced by people in this role {pain point being solved / offer} I would really appreciate it if I could get feedback from you on a new approach I am working on.
Could I have 15 minutes of your time?  
{Your name}
4. Utilize the Customer Development Interview process. This provides an engagement opportunity to warm up this new relationship. This is not meant to be a full discovery call session. If warranted, ask to set up a secondary call for a follow up to share the results of your findings.
5. Use a Give-Away as a thank you gift. Optionally to increase voting an offer of a give-away item could be presented to people who chose to participate in the poll. 
There are two ways to generate more potential connections / leads.
Inform people in the poll post text above the poll itself that people who vote can receive a copy of {insert item} by simply dropping a word (you choose what that is) in the comments. 
Optionally, you can cite you will share the {give away item name} to all those who vote. 
You could simple reach out to their profile after the poll ends and share the item. 
Give-away items could range from checklists, insider reports, process infographic, or anything that provides valuable information such as access to a training that you may have as well. The giveaway item must be relevant to your topic / area of expertise. 
The point is to be clear about the objective of what you are wanting to happen with this type of call to action.