Content Generation Ideas
Content Ideas
→ Tag people on LinkedIn whose content you admire and want to promote. Shows generosity and increases your network visibility, attracts people to your page via tags
→ Tag a mentor or someone who inspires you
→ Share your favorite media (books, podcasts, movies, resources for news)
→ Answer common questions your audience has
→ Create controversy : Present your side of a topic that your industry is split on. Ask your audience what their opinion is in the comments. The more controversial, the more engagement, but be careful on this one.
→ Make a prediction. Share your predictions on how things in your industry will change, what the future of the industry looks like, what the future of companies look like, etc.
→ React: Share your thoughts on a notable piece of content published by someone else. Do you agree? Disagree?
→ Create a top 10 list. Top things you’ve learned this year? Top 5 things you wish you knew before you ___? Etc.
→ Share the story of how you got to where you are .How did you get to where you are now? What journey got you there? What tips do you have for others?
→ Welcome new followers. Every once in a while post a round-up style post tagging your latest followers.
→ Show what happens if you DON'T make a move on something. What is your audience missing out on?
→Talk about a common misconception in your industry. What do people frequently get wrong?
→ Reveal your process. How do you great work? Share your strategies!
→Do a roundup of your tech stack. What tools do you use? Why? Bonus points if you tag the companies!
→ Crowdsource your post. Ask your network to participate in a poll, collect data from followers, or even ask fellow 90DPers for an interview. Compile their insights into a post and tag them.
→ Would you Rather? Prompt your audience with a thought provoking, silly, or serious "would you rather" question.
→ Share a throwback. Where were you in life 5 years ago today? 10 years ago? What do you wish you knew back then?
→ Comment on industry news. How does this affect your industry or your business?