Video Scripts

LinkedIn Video Script

Messaging Hierarchy

→ Open with impactful or controversial statement → Massage the pain → Tease a solution (but there’s a better way…) → Offer value (Give them an actionable tip, a revelation, or a freebie) → Call to action: Invite them to comment (Example: “Agree? Let me know below.”)

Video Topic Ideas

X Years Ago, I was (insert lost, worrisome, stressful situation).

The best advice I ever got

Stop doing X right now Ideally pick something paradoxical or that runs against common knowledge

The #1 thing (insert type of person) gets wrong

Example: The #1 thing SEO Managers Get Wrong

The #1 (insert topic) mistake Example from Ahmad: “The #1 pricing mistake”)

What your (insert person) isn’t telling you Example: What your accountant isn’t telling you

Don’t let (insert topic) sabotage you

Controversial statement Example: Why copywriters should NEVER write Facebook ads Make it paradoxical The idea here is to appeal to people’s sense of combativeness

One of the most common questions I get is… Cover common questions or concerns

LinkedIn Video Script Example

Video style (see topics below): X Years Ago, I was (insert lost, worrisome, stressful situation).

Voiceover On-screen Text Years ago, my life was a mess. I was lost, dazed and confused. Opening impactful statement: 7 years ago I was lost, dazed and confused. I had to sell my house, my car and even had to give away my dog Massage the pain: I had to sell everything. I tried any way I could to get business. Facebook ads, Massage the pain (this is what I tried before and it didn’t work): I tried every job out there. But then I discovered copywriting. The revelation: Until I discovered copywriting In 6 months, I went from $0 to making $10,000 per month The achievement:

In 6 months I went from $0 to $10,000 per month And now I’m going to show you how you can do it too The “you can do it too”: And now I’m going to show you how you can do it too It’s simple. All you need is a pen, paper, and computer. “It’s simple”: It’s simple. All you need is a pen, paper, and computer. ...and my 5 minute get-started checklist

Value add: ...and my 5 minute get-started checklist This isn’t just any checklist. It’s not a list of things you’ve heard before. It’s a 5 minute list of ACTIONABLE tips you can implement *today* to actually get started with copywriting. No fluff. For real. The differentiator (what makes this video unique): It’s a checklist you can’t find ANYWHERE else. Which I’m going to give you for FREE, right now. Value add: And I’m going to give you for FREE, right now. Wanna know more? Comment “checklist” below and I’ll DM you a copy! Call-to-action: Comment “checklist” below and I’ll DM you a copy 👇-

LinkedIn Video Script Example

Video style (see topics below): Stop doing X right now

Voiceover On-screen Text 9 out of 10 copywriters UNDER charges. Opening impactful statement: Copywriters: STOP undercharging!

(This 10 second tip will let you DOUBLE your prices without your clients blinking!) Feeling tired, burned out and overwhelmed? Massage the pain: Feeling tired, burned out and overwhelmed? You’ve tried meditation, time tracking, the pomodoro method, every productivity hack out there. But nothing is working. Massage the pain (this is what I tried before and it didn’t work): Nothing you try seems to help the burnout But have you thought about the fact that your lack of motivation could be from the fact that you’re not VALUING your time? The revelation: But it’s not about’s about motivation. Let me show you the 10 second tip I use to BEAT raising my prices! The achievement: This 10 second tip will let you DOUBLE your prices without your clients blinking! And now I’m going to show you how you can do it too The “you can do it too”: It’s easy. You can do it too (in 10 seconds).