Template: Active Connections

LinkedIn Message Examples

Use these messages as inspiration when writing your own to spark conversations. Remember, people are hypersensitive to being sold on LinkedIn, so be direct, personal and add value!


More direct, persuasion triggers but, conversational and open ended. 

Example #1

Hi {FirstName}, looking to reconnect with folks in my NICHE network. Not sure where you’re at exactly, but I thought you might be interested in this. 

We focus on helping NICHE + SOCIAL PROOF

Given your background I thought it'd be nice to get your take on what we're working on as well as learn more about your needs. 

Perhaps we’ve seen some use cases and best practices that would be valuable to you, either now or down the road (and vice versa).

Would you be open to a quick call in the next week or two?


Example #2

Hey {FirstName}, It’s been too long. (PICK COMMONALITY - IF THERE IS ONE} 

I’ve WHAT YOU'RE DOING (ex.  a pretty cool NICHE firm that’s in the business of going deep BENEFIT.)

We’re not in the WHAT YOU DO DIFFERENT and we’re currently working at places like SOCIAL PROOF.

It’d be fun to catch up (and note that while I’m excited to talk about COMPANY I’m not on the sales side of the house :)).

Hope all is well.



Hi {FirstName},

We recently did some research with the {NICHE} department at {COMPANY} and wanted to connect with you. We loved working with {Point of Contact / Company} and were able to get {RESULT / Focus of the Work}.

Seeing your background, I thought there may be some overlap with the work you’re doing in {NICHE} as well.

If you’d like to learn more or just network let me know. We share a lot of content on LinkedIn, so I'm hoping that could be useful for you, too.