Content Idea Buckets

Outline of a post:

Hook  - first 1-3 sentences to draw attention:

Insight: Are you educating someone, entertaining someone, changing their perspective in some way? 

Engagement prompt: end each post with a question, ask for an opinion…idea is to get people to comment on the post. “Do you agree with X? Why or why not - let me know below”

Call to action: If you want to start achieving (outcome), let’s talk. … who you gonna call? Etc. 

1. What are client’s most common problems?  (and how do they get there)

Why can’t they tackle these problems on their own?

-They don’t have expertise

-They don’t have time 

-They tried before, didn’t get anywhere…

Give advice how to solve these problems 

-Change their perspective about their problems 

-How to solve their actual problems

-5 ways to solve X / 4 ways to think about X 

  • You’re thinking about (problem) wrong. Here’s why. 
  • The 5 sins all (insert type of company) make when ____

2. Common misconceptions or myths in the industry / about this problem

Most people think you need XYZ in order to achieve ABC, but in fact, they’re wrong because….

Some companies come me to saying “well we can’t do X because…. (insert some false misconception they have)....

3. Trends in the industry / your predictions for the future 

-Changes in technology, regulation, upcoming trends, things you observe, things happening in next 3, 6, 9 months, etc. 

4. Things people get wrong

5. Things people get right 

6. You vs. other consultants - What most consultants don’t know , what they get wrong, why their approach is outdated, etc. 

7. Outcomes you achieve